Work has continued at the plot to restore a proper rotation to the willow and to bring the site under better management. The classroom and toilet have been repainted with wood protector and most of the existing biomass willow has been harvested. In addition, 4,000 cuttings of several different varieties of basket willow have been planted and are beginning to shoot. This will enable us, in a few years’ time, to have our own supply of basket willow to use in the local Basketry Group sessions. These monthly sessions have been held at Newton Village Hall in the past but the May, June and July sessions will take place in the classroom at the willow plot. Sessions are on the last Wednesday of the month from 10am to 3pm. If you would like to try your hand at making a basket or some other structure you would be most welcome. The cost is £10 for the day and all materials and tools are provided, as are tea and coffee and biscuits. All you need is a packed lunch.
If you are planning to come, it would be very helpful if you could let me know so that we can ensure we have enough willow prepared.
Please email or telephone 01434 673103.