Hexhamshire Parish Council

                                                                        Terms of reference

1 The Parish Council meets on the second Thursday of every month at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.
   Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings.

2 The responsibilities of the Parish Council include:

– Submission of comments to planning authority on planning applications.
– Commons and village greens.
– Playing fields, playgrounds and local open spaces.
– Public seats.
 – The Wetlands Project.
 – Maintenance and conservation of the Dukesfield Arches
 – Representation on the Board of Trustees of the Parish Hall.
 – Representation on the four Parishes B.O.A.T.s joint committee.
 – Consultations on highway improvements and maintenance, public rights of way and social housing.

3 The Parish Council has a chair and vice-chair elected by council members at the Annual General
   Meeting of the Council in May. (AGM)

4 The quorum consists of four (4) members

5 At the AGM, members will also elect candidates to serve as representatives on various council         committees and outside bodies.

6 Those representatives report back to the whole Council on any matters under their remit, for discussion     and formal approval by the whole council.

7 All decisions are decided on a majority vote of the whole Council: in the event of there being no majority, the Chairman has the casting vote.

HPC terms of reference
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HPC planning procedure
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